Pulp is in the paper making process will be added to the pulp gum, filler, color and other additives modulation into a fiber suspension for papermaking. Pulp is an organic substance with general colloidal properties, rich in plasticity, can be used as a dye and other chemicals on the fabric transfer agent. In the practical application of pulps, the problem of foaming arises from time to time. These foams are viscous, difficult to eliminate, very much in need of pulp defoamer help.
As the pulp contains a lot of air, a lot of these gases will be trapped inside the pulp, difficult to escape, so it will form a lot of foam; In addition, the pulp contains many lignin polysaccharides, resin, protein and other organic substances and surface-active substances, is the main reason for the production of foam; due to the mixing operation of mechanical equipment can also lead to foam production.
Foam in the pulp will affect the progress of pulp production, resulting in reduced productivity, but also reduce the density of the pulp, resulting in an increase in the cost of pulp; too much foam will make the fibers in the pulp float to produce floating pulp, foam and flocculation, resulting in uneven dispersion of pulp on the Internet, so that the quality of the paper is lowered; in addition, the generation of foam will also make the quality of the pulp and the performance of the pulp, resulting in pinholes on the surface of the paper produced, White spots and other defects.
Click on the related products links:RK-10S(Pulp Washing Black Liquid Antifoam)/RK-20S(High Antifoaming Performance Pulp Defoamer)